Staff at Italian broadcaster Rai strike over political interference

Journalists at Italy’s public broadcaster Rai on Monday went on strike to protest cuts to budgets and ‘constant oversight’ by politicians.

In a statement published on the German-language section of the online news portal RaiNews, the journalists said they would ‘continue to fight to ensure that citizens receive balanced, reliable and pluralistic information.’

The strike follows the disinvitation of writer Antonio Scurati to a Rai programme marking Italy’s liberation from German occupation and fascism on April 25.

Scurati had planned to read a text criticizing Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing Brothers of Italy party for its post-fascist origins. Some party members still honour Italy’s World War II dictator Benito Mussolini. Meloni has avoided calling herself ‘anti-fascist’ despite calls to do so.

Scurati’s appearance was cancelled, and his text was eventually read out by a Rai journalist.

The incident has sparked a renewed debate in Italy over political interference in the public broadca
ster. A series of high-profile resignations have rocked Rai in recent months.

According to the UnigRai trade union, other reasons for the strike include demands for improved employee rights. The employees are protesting against a lack of staff and insecure employment conditions due to a reliance on freelancers.

Since Monday morning, the news channel Rai News 24 has been broadcasting a programme with the message: ‘Recorded before the strike.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

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