SWIDA Ghana launches project to empower youth as green champions for climate resilience

A youth-centred advocacy project, which aims at working with youth groups to create awareness as well as empower them to actively participate in political debates and discussions on climate change, democracy, peace and security has been launched.

The project dubbed: ‘Building Bridges: Empowering Youth as Green Champions for Climate Resilience in Northern Region’, also seeks to empower youth groups to facilitate the formation of alliances and partnerships that can further amplify youth voices and influence in advocacy for positive change in Northern Ghana.

The five month-long project is being implemented by the Savannah Women Integrated Development Agency (SWIDA Ghana) in the Tamale Metropolis, Sagnarigu and Savelugu Municipal Assemblies with funding support from the Embassy of Denmark under its Climate Action Project.

Hajia Alima Sagito-Saeed, Executive Director, SWIDA Ghana, who gave details of the project at its launch in Tamale on Thursday, said under the project, SWIDA Ghana would be working directly
with 25 youth-led organisations from the three Assemblies, adding the youth-led organisations would in turn reach over 1,000 men and women in various communities in the three Assemblies.

The beneficiary youth-led organisations included Northern Region Youth Parliament, Activista Ghana, Afri Youth, Empowered Centre for Peacebuilding amongst others.

Climate change has brought about devastating impact on the environment and livelihoods of communities, which is affecting the living conditions of the people hence efforts to minimise human activities that contribute to climate change.

Hajia Sagito-Saeed said under the project, SWIDA Ghana would organise trainings on climate change, leadership and natural resource governance for the beneficiary youth-led organisations as well as facilitate town hall meetings and debating sessions with political parties on climate change, democracy and civic responsibilities.

She added that the project would also facilitate youth-led promotion of green businesses and practices as
well as establish different Sustainable Development Goals 13 thematic platforms and social media campaigns to champion the issue.

The project would also engage political parties during the 2024 elections to mainstream green jobs objectives in their manifestos with clear cut indicators for measurements to ensure coherence between employment and environment related policies.

Hajia Sagito-Saeed said the project would introduce youth to employment opportunities under the green practices and social enterprises for their application.

Latifa Husein, Assistant Programme Officer, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Northern Region, who represented the Northern Regional Director of EPA, commended partners for the project saying EPA believed that it would positively impact the environment.

She advised the youth to share positive information about the environment among the public to change their attitudes towards the environment.

Mr Abukari Baba Sumaila, Tamale Metropolitan Director, National Youth Authority laud
ed the project saying it would empower the youth to play meaningful and lead roles in addressing climate change for the benefit of all.

Representatives of the beneficiary youth-led organisations took turns to share their perspectives on climate change expressing their support for the project to succeed.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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