The Lord’s Pentecostal Church International dedicates library to Israel

The Lord’s Pentecostal Church International (TLPCI), Israel Branch, has built and dedicated a library to the Alhaji-Israel community in Accra to enhance knowledge in varied spheres of life.

The community library located inside the church has a wide array of books for reading, reference making and borrowing on Saturdays and public holidays.

The Library has books on Philosophy, Education, Academic Resource, Moral Ethics, Business and Politics, Music, Literature, Laws, Social Sciences, Christian Literature, Children, Science and Technology, Arts and Culture, and Religion.

Others are on Historical Fictions, Psychology, Theological Research, Memoirs, General Knowledge, Ministerial Research, Language and Literature, Child Friendly materials, and Cook Books and Recipes.

Apostle David Khorbs, the Israel Area Apostle, TLPCI, said the church thought of linking the community to the church and the bridge to doing that, was the library.

He said other projects if God wills, would follow in future.

‘A library is of va
rious kinds. It could be in a van or box and the books in it is the most important for people to access knowledge,’ he said.

Apostle Khorbs said the library, built by the men and women’s fellowship and youth in the church, was to contribute to the growth of education in Ghana especially as knowledge is power.

Apostle Eric Essandoh Otoo, the General Overseer of TLPCI, who commissioned the library, reiterated how important the library was to bridge the gap and connect many community members to the church.

He prayed that the library lived beyond generations to preserve the Church’s heritage for posterity to remember them and also prayed for users of the library to get special intelligence and intellectual ability for their wellbeing and that of society.

Apostle Otoo said the leadership of the church recognised the great achievement of the branch and commended the men and women’s fellowship and the entire youth for moving it from vision to a reality.

Elder Kwasi Sakyi Rockson, Chairman of the Library Committ
ee, said the journey to building the library was about possibilities, learning and promoting personal growth.

As they dedicated the library, he said they also dedicated themselves to fostering growth for the community in which they were located.

Madam Katumi Alhassan, the Assembly Member for the Israel-Lomnava Electoral Area, expressed her contentment about the dedication of the library which was the first of its kind, explaining that it was part of her campaign messages to get one for the community.

‘Learning is unstoppable no matter how grown one might be. So let’s all take advantage of this library and enhance our know-how,’ she said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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