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The Union of Candidates has shown confidence and trust in the prime minister

Mogadisho,(SONNA)- Somalia’s former President and chairman of the Union of Candidates,Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has expressed his optimism about Prime Minister Roble’s efforts to convene on the 20th of this month.

“I hope the upcoming May 20, 2021 Summit on resolving the outsanding issues on Sept 17 Agreement to bear fruits to ensure the country goes to peaceful, agreed elections which will be key for the integrity and acceptability of its results.

I have full confidence in the ongoing efforts by PM Mohamed Hussein Roble regarding the resolution of outstanding issues on elections being convinced that the PM should be accorded due support and opportnity to ensure he fullfils the enormous task of holding free and fair elections”said Somalia’s former President and chairman of the Union of Candidates,Sharif Sheikh Ahmed

Source: Somali National News Agency