Toward New Era of Common Development with China

A few days ago, the author participated in the Central Conference on China’s Work Relating to Foreign Affairs, held in Beijing from December 27 -28, 2023.

The conference pointed out the direction for future diplomatic works and the development of China-Africa relations.

The author takes this opportunity to introduce to his Ghanaian friends the guiding principles of the conference and the future prospects of China’s diplomacy.

Mr Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), presented a systematic review of the historic achievements and valuable experience of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

He gave a profound exposition on the international environment and historical mission of China’s external work on the new journey, with comprehensive plans for the country’s external work.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country has made histori
c achievements and changes in external work on the great journey of advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

First, China has established and developed Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Diplomacy, opening up new vistas in the theory and practice of the country’s diplomacy and providing the fundamental guidelines for advancement.

Second, China has showcased her distinct characteristics, style and ethos in diplomacy, and established the image of a confident, self-reliant, open and inclusive major country with a global vision.

Third, the country has advocated the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, pointing the right direction for human society, leading to common development, lasting peace and security, and mutual learning between civilizations.

Fourth, China has followed the strategic guidance of head-of-state diplomacy and played an increasingly important and constructive role in international affairs.

Fifth, she has taken a holistic approach to her relati
ons with all parties, with a view to fostering major-country dynamics featuring peaceful coexistence, overall stability and balanced development.

Next, China has expanded its comprehensive strategic layout and formed a wide-ranging, high-quality global network of partnerships.

China has advanced high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and established the world’s most broad-based and largest platform for international cooperation.

Also, the country has worked to pursue both development and safeguard security, and effectively upheld China’s sovereignty, security and development interests with a firm will and an indomitable fighting spirit.

China has taken an active part in global governance and shown the way to reforming the international system and order.

She has strengthened the centralised, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and brought about greater coordination in China’s external work.

Building a community with a shared future for mankind is the core tenet of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Dip

It is how China proposes to solve the questions of what kind of world to build and how to build it based on her deepening understanding of the laws governing the development of human society.

It reflects the Chinese Communists’ worldview, perception of order, and values, accords with the common aspiration of people in all countries, and points the direction for the progress of world civilizations.

It is also the noble goal pursued by China in conducting major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics for the new era.

Given the series of major issues and challenges facing the world today, China calls for an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalisation.

An equal and orderly multipolar world is one in which all countries, regardless of size, are treated as equals, hegemonism and power politics are rejected, democracy is truly promoted in international relations, and true multilateralism is practised.

A universally beneficial and inclusive
economic globalisation is one that meets the common needs of all countries, especially the developing ones, and properly addresses the development imbalances between and within countries resulting from the global allocation of resources.

It is important to resolutely oppose the attempt to roll back globalisation and abuse the concept of security, oppose all forms of unilateralism and protectionism, and make economic globalisation more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all.

In 2024, a new conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) will be held in China, and the Belt and Road Initiative, which is at the beginning of a new decade and of great significance to China-Africa friendship, will add fresh dynamism to high-quality cooperation between China and Ghana.

Guided by ‘Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era’ and the ‘Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy’, in particular, China will continue to uphold the concept of a China-Africa community with a shared

It will conduct in-depth discussions on the development of China-Ghana cooperation, focus on key areas, strengthen exchanges and coordination, and deepen practical cooperation, to ensure a win-win path to address emerging challenges and seize new opportunities.

Happy New Year to the Ghanaian people! May the China-Ghana friendship live forever!

Source: Ghana News Agency

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