Traditional ruler calls on subjects to support reforestation drive

Togbe Dzegblade IV, Chief of Adaklu Kodzobi in the Volta Reagion, has appealed to his subjects to support him in his reforestation drive of the area.

‘Let us all start planting and nurturing trees in order to make this a reality,’ he advised.

The Traditional Ruler gave the advice at the community’s fifth monthly meeting of the year.

He challenged the people to stop the indiscriminate cutting of trees as the practice he noted destroyed the earth’s vegetative cover and the area’s fauna.

The chief said the practice could also cause erratic rainfall pattern thereby causing food insecurity.

He reiterated the need for the people to keep their environments clean, saying ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness.’

The chief told the people he would enforce the sanitation bylaw of the community and award the cleanest households in the community.

He reminded them that the growth and development of the community hinged on its well-resourced youth.

He challenged parents and guardians to continue to invest in their child
ren’s education to enable them to become responsible and productive adults.

Togbe Dzegblade advised the youth to be obedient and take advantage of any opportunity that came their way to develop themselves.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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