Twenty-one-year-old woman appeals for support to save her sight

A 21- year- old woman, Mary Magdalene, who stays at Dambai, is appealing to benevolent individuals and organisations to help support her from losing her sight.

She said she began experiencing pains in her right eye since age two and the situation had worsened to the extent that she now could not bend down without much discomfort.

Magdalene, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), disclosed that anytime she bent down, she felt like her eyeball was falling out.

‘My eyesight is really giving up. I hardly see things. With much effort, I see things double all the time. I can’t see in the dark at all, and if I relax my eyes, I can’t see at all during the day.’

She said her fear was the problem escalating to her other left eye and called for urgent assistance.

Magdalene said as a farmer, her productivity began to dwindle because of her predicament, adding that the lack of funds also prevented her from seeking medical help to correct her eye problem.

She said her father once took her to the WoraWora
Government Hospital but there had been no improvement in the condition.

Magdalene, also a student, has resorted to harvesting and selling mangoes to finance her education and medical bills.

She noted that any support for her eye care and education would go a long way to help her and her family and make her contribute her quota towards the national economy.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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