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UK Justice Ministry recognizes CCF’s Prison work

His Majesty’s Prisons and Probation Service (HMPPS) under the UK Ministry of Justice has acknowledged the Crime Check Foundation’s (CCF) work in the prisons with a plaque.

Top-level officials from HM Prisons and Probation Service presented a plaque to recognise the Foundation’s contribution to the rehabilitation and reformation of prisoners in Ghana.

The HMPPS, like the Ghana Prisons Service, carry out sentences given by courts, in custody and the community, and rehabilitate people through education and employment.

The key officials presented the plaque to Mr Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng, the Executive Director of CCF when they met a team from the organization to tap into its wealth of knowledge on prison administration in Ghana.

They applauded the Foundation for the work it does in the prisons.

The meeting with CCF was borne out of the UK’s decision to repatriate some Ghanaian prisoners in Britain to Ghana.

Following its recognition internationally, Crime Check Foundation is expecting a second cohort of vol
unteers from the UK to learn about Ghana’s prison system under its supervision.

Source: Ghana News Agency