Victims of Ashaiman military brutalities mark first anniversary

Victims of the Ashaiman military brutalities following the murder of Trooper Sherif Imoro in 2023, have marked one year of their pain, calling on the Government to compensate them.

On March 7, 2023, military men stormed the Ashaiman Taifa community and meted out several brutalities on residents, following a mob killing of Imoro some days earlier in the community.

Mr Emmanuel Kumadey, the lawyer and spokesperson for the victims, addressing the media, said the Parliamentary Committee on Interior and Defence had completed its investigations and submitted recommendations to the House for consideration.

Mr Kumadey emphasized that the victims would not relent in their fight to seek justice and accountability on the issue to prevent future injustices.

‘The victims of the military brutality humbly request the President and the Government to immediately pay them their just compensation and fully implement the report of the Committee on Defence and Interior on the Military Operation at Ashaiman.’

He said one year
on, the victims said life had been extremely difficult for them since they had been burdened with ‘constant excruciating body pains and deteriorating health conditions, as well as living with the trauma they experienced on March 7, 2023.’

Meanwhile, some of the victims alleged that two victims had passed on due to the brutalities, explaining that while one died three days after the incident, the other one passed away on the eve of the first anniversary.

Mr Issah Daniel Damson, one of the victims, said there was an urgent need for them to be compensated, explaining that he had lost his job as a cargo driver due to his current health condition, resulting from the ordeal he went through at the hands of the military, which had incapacitated him from driving as he used to.

Mr Damson stated that the actions of the military personnel undermined the ‘see something, say something’ mantra, as it would be difficult for people to voluntarily provide useful information on security matters if they invaded an area and as
saulted residents as a strategy of seeking information.

He said many of them were still grappling with physical and emotional scars, and having lost their jobs, they continued to seek medical attention.

He said the soldiers caused damage to his properties and arrested him and other residents to Burma Camp.

Damson noted that none of the 247 victims were involved in the killing of the soldier that triggered the attack.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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