Women’s Active Participation Critical For Successful Conduct of Nat’l Dialogue in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa: Women are strongly encouraged to actively take part in the forthcoming inclusive national dialogue as they play significant role in consolidating the nation’s effort to ensure sustainable peace.

Ethiopia is about to commence an inclusive national dialogue in which all stakeholders can come together and speak about key national challenges to attain a common and lasting resolution.

The National Dialogue Commission is finalizing its preparations in identifying participants and discussion agendas in a meticulous process aimed at ensuring the inclusivity of the dialogue.

In this regard, the Commission is working to enhance women’s participation in the dialogue taking in to account the importance of their contribution to the process.

Taking this in to consideration, ENA approached three women who are from different occupations.

They said women, who represent half of the total population in Ethiopia, are crucial to the successful conduct of the dialogue. They also commended the ongoing efforts of t
he commission to make the dialogue all inclusive.

An expert of conflict situation monitoring at the Ministry of Peace, Tigest Hailemariam for her part stated that women’s participation in the national dialogue has a significant role for the success of the dialogue because women preach peace as they are the primary victims of conflicts.

Tigest advised all pertinent bodies need to come around the table to discuss on their common interests and bring shared solutions instead of trying to use force.

The national dialogue is the best opportunity for women to express their strong desire for peace, Tigist underlined.

A lecturer at the Addis Ababa University School of Journalism and Communication, Agaredech Jemaneh said women are the embodiment of peace as they possess the ability to foster unity within the family and the community.

Appreciating the efforts being made by the commission to encourage women actively participate in the dialogue, the lecturer said women need to engage themselves in the process.

have the potential to provide their wisdom, Agaredech stated indicating that the upcoming national dialogue is a good opportunity to find concrete solutions for the challenges the country is facing.

Fatuma Hussen, head of women and youth sector at the Ethiopia Islamic Supreme Council said the national dialogue is key instrument to bring peace and sustainable development in the country stressing that women have the obligation to actively participate as they are the primary beneficiaries of sustainable peace.

She urged women to play their significant role in consolidating the nation’s effort to ensure peace by actively engaging in the process.

‘A woman can influence at least 4 men including her husband, brother, father and her son. If every woman can influence all these segment of the society at home not to involve in conflicts, conflict could be curtailed.’

Therefore, if we maintain peace at family level, we can maintain peace at the community level, peace can be ensured at national level at large as well,
she underlined.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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