Workers urged to be peace ambassadors before, during and after 2024 election

Madam Justina Marigold Assan, the Central Regional Minister, has urged Ghanaian workers to be apolitical, particularly in this election year, in the best interest of the country.

She said as public servants, they must embrace divergence views and opinions and act professionally to keep government business running smoothly as they recommitted to the ideals of democracy and good governance.

Mrs Assan made the call in an address at the regional parade of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), in Awutu Ofaakor, to commemorate this year’s May Day.

It was on the theme: ‘Election 2024: the Role of Workers and Social Partners in Securing Peaceful Elections for National Development.’

She underscored the need for workers to be ambassadors of peace to encourage others to eschew negative attitudes before, during and after the elections.

‘Let us be mindful of our utterances and actions and also avoid unnecessary provocations, which could result to fighting simply because we disagreed with someone,’ she advised.

Mrs Assan
touched on the appropriateness of the theme for the celebration as it was directly in consonance with government’s efforts to ensure a peaceful general election and make progress in the country’s democracy.

She said Ghana’s adherence to the democratic principles and values such as good governance, the rule of law, and respect for human rights had made her a shining star on the African Continent.

‘Our democratic journey has no doubt witnessed some turbulence over the years, we have made mistakes, taking round turns and sometimes stumbled, however with resilience and determination we have always picked ourselves up, tested ourselves, got back on the part of freedom, justice and openness,’ she stated.

Mrs Assan indicated that through those dispensations the role of workers and social partners had been paramount in securing peaceful elections, adding that as they strived for better conditions of service, they must also ensure professionalism and peace.

‘It is important that we continue to foster dialogue, pro
mote tolerance and embrace diversity as a strength that enrich our society.’

‘Let us keep working together to ensure that every citizen, regardless of the background or beliefs, has equal opportunities to strive and continue to contribute their quota towards the development of Mother Ghana.’

Mrs Assan said government recognised the invaluable contributions of workers towards national development and congratulated all workers, especially those in the Central Region, for their hard work and dedication to service.

‘The government is always ready to listen to you and dialogue for mutually rewarding outcomes to foster public private partnership for the betterment of the nation.’

‘I urged you to keep-up the yeoman’s jobs you are doing for a peaceful and prosperous nation.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

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